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REFERENCE INTERCONNECT OFFER (“RIO”) OF NDTV LTD. FOR ALL DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION PLATFORMS TO BE EFFECTIVE FROM 29TH DECEMBER 2018. The terms and conditions of this Reference Interconnect Offer are drafted pursuant to the Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Interconnection (Addressable Systems) Regulations, 2017 (“Regulations”) and the Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services (Eighth) (Addressable Systems) Tariff Order, 2017 (“Order”), dated March 3, 2017 and re- notified by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India on July 03, 2018 (collectively referred to as the “Interconnect Regulations”) and would be effective from December 29, 2018 (“Effective Date”). This RIO based interconnection/subscription is without prejudice and subject to the outcome of: (a) civil appeal no. 7326 & 7327 of 2018 pending before the Honorable Supreme Court of India against the judgement dated 23rd May 2018 of the High Court of Madras in WMP No. 10619 and 10620 and EWP No. 44126 and 44127 of 2016; and (b) the order(s) of the High Court of Delhi in WP(C) no. 4091 of 2017 and WP(C) No. 4135 of 2017. In the event there is any change in the Effective Date due to the outcome of the aforesaid case/s, the effective date would change accordingly. Further, in the event there are any changes in the Interconnection Regulations due to the above mentioned court orders, the Broadcasters shall revise/modify/alter the terms of this RIO and the Interconnection/Subscription Agreement and a fresh Interconnection/Subscription Agreement covering all such revisions/modifications/alterations shall be executed between the parties and this RIO dated ____________ and the Interconnection/Subscription Agreement and any unexpected copy of the said RIO and Interconnection /Subscription Agreement that might have been sent by an Distributor shall be null and void.Interconnection/Subscription Agreement. This Interconnection/Subscription Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered on ----------------- at New Delhi between New Delhi Television Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 207, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III, New Delhi – 110020 (hereinafter referred to as “NDTV” or “Broadcaster”, which expression unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof shall mean and include its successors, affiliates and permitted assigns) of the FIRST PART; And _____________________________, a company/ firm incorporated under ______________________ and having its registered office at ___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Distributor” which expression unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof shall mean and include its representatives, legal heirs, successors, administrators and permitted assigns) of the SECOND PART. NDTV and Distributor shall hereinafter be referred to severally as a “Party” and collectively as “Parties” as the context may require. WHEREAS: A. NDTV is media house and operates television channels “NDTV India”, “NDTV Profit/Prime”, “NDTV 24X7” and Good Times (collectively referred to as “NDTV Channels”). B. Distributor has represented to the Company that it has the necessary infrastructure, resources, experience and expertise in distributing the NDTV Channels to its various customers, through its distribution network and that it owns and operates a digital addressable cable television platform, as provided under Section 4A of The Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act of 1995 (“Cable TV Act”) and the Rules framed thereunder as amended from time to time, read with the Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Interconnection (Addressable Systems) Regulations 2017 dated March 3, 2017, as amended, from time to time ("Interconnection Regulations"). C. The Distributor further represents that it has completed and satisfied the requirements under the Interconnection Regulations and that it possesses a valid and subsisting registration permitting it to provide the services through the digital addressable cable television platform and the Distributor is desirous of carrying the Channels on its Platform (defined below). D. Based on the representations of the Distributor, NDTV has agreed to grant a non-exclusive redistribution license to the Distributor to downlink the NDTV Channels on the Platform on the terms and conditions as contained in this Agreement.

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